Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day and the week

Well last week Alyssa and Kia came over for the week because their parents were out of town. I wasn't really home much this week but here are some pictures of what we did when I was around.

Kia decided to cover me in pillows every morning

Moose playing the piano with Kia.

Kia attacking moose.

Kia wanted to join me for school. or something like that.

Yet another attack of the pillows. Yeah I'm in there.

This was the only picture we got of Alyssa.
And that's about all we have from that. It was fun I guess. and they left on Thursday.
And today was Mothers Day. At church the mothers all went to the front and all the youth got their gifts and took them up to the mothers. They all got a mug and a book to go with it. Then after church we went home and had the greatest dinner. We had steak, French bread that my dad made, and salad. And cake for dessert. Then basically the rest of the day I slept. So thats whats been going on around here.


Jordan@Me and My 8 said...

Ooo sounds wonderful!

Nicky said...

Sounds like you had a full week.